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Our mission...

Welcome to NotOut*...where the ambition is to break the stigma attached to mental health, one conversation at a time.

We all have a voice, so let's share our journey relating to mental health and look to help each other along the way.

No two journeys are alike, but the support we can give each other and the open forum to talk about these is what is important.

#Build YourInnings



Where did it all begin? Well, if you want to watch the video I did for my place of work, please do. I want you to see that talking about mental health is not a taboo subject, and it is something we can all do. 

Hey, if I can do a one take video and let you all watch it, then we can all speak up :)

Why the name? Well, as cricket fans we know that being not out means that your innings is still going. So the brand represents a life that is in progress with more days (runs) to come! 



About Us


Welcome to NotOut*...and thank you for visiting the site.

This all started from doing a quick video about my experiences with mental health that got shared on social media. The reception for it was huge and it sparked something in me.

Through a conversation with someone at my cricket club, the NotOut* brand was born. My crazy idea became a reality as Elliot helped me get my brain dump ideas out as a tangible product. I want to make mental health conversations normal! With cricket being a huge love of mine, I wanted to approach it through a slightly more visual way that will allow more people to see it as an easier subject to talk about. Having seen and experienced many mental health initiatives etc. over the years, the one thing that stuck out to me was the number of people who would speak at you...whereas I want to try my best to get people speaking with each other. This is the key to any success!

The ambitions for the brand are to break some of the stigma surrounding mental health as well as provide a funky clothing brand that people can be proud to wear...all while supporting mental health awareness and my long term aim is to put some of the money from this back into the mental health "world".

So, last but not least, a huge thank you for being part of my journey and hopefully it can be a part of your journey in the world of mental health!!




Our Team.

You want to know who is responsible for all of this? Well, below are a couple of mug shots to "introduce" us. I truly believe in having a face for people to see that it is a real person behind all of this. Feel free to say hello!

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